Статья Клапанов

Статья Клапанов

Introduction of 3 types of valves

Introduction of 3 types of valves

  • 2024/09/19

Gate valve

1、Open stem:

a、Working principle:  the valve body has a gate inside the opening and closing parts, the movement direction of the gate is perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, because it can be like a sluice to block the water, so the name gate valve.

b、Scope of application: fire pump outlet pipe, suction pipe; pressure regulator pump outlet pipe, suction pipe; fire water supply network

c、Supplementary note:  open stem gate valve rotating rod is exposed, the degree of opening and closing is more intuitive, but the rotating rod is also corroded.

2、Concealed stem

a、Working principle:  the valve body has a gate inside the opening and closing parts, the movement direction of the gate is perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, because it can be like a sluice to block the water, so the name gate valve.

b、Scope of application: fire pump suction pipe; fire water supply network
c、Supplementary note: Compared with the open stem gate valve, the dark stem gate valve rotor is not exposed, the degree of opening and closing is not intuitive, applicable to hidden projects

Butterfly Valve
1、Working principle: the closing member (valve or butterfly plate) is a disk, rotating around the valve axis to achieve the opening and closing of a valve.

2、Scope of application: fire pump outlet pipe, suction pipe; indoor overhead piping.

3、Supplementary note: the applicability of butterfly valves and gate valves are similar to some of the provisions of the requirements of its self-locking function.

Pressure Reducing Valve
1、Proportional pressure reducing valve
a、Working principle: pressure reducing valve is through the adjustment, the inlet pressure will be reduced to a certain need for the outlet pressure, and rely on the medium's own energy, so that the outlet pressure automatically maintain a stable valve. Proportional type is the use of the valve body within the piston at both ends of the cross-sectional area of the pressure difference, change the pressure after the valve to achieve the purpose of pressure reduction.
b、Scope of application: fire hydrant spigot overpressure; pressure reducing valve partition water supply; tandem decompression of the first stage.
c、Supplementary Note: Vertical installation is desirable.
2、Pilot Operated Pressure Reducing Valve
a、Working principle: the opening of the opening and closing parts of the control valve body to regulate the flow of the medium to reduce the pressure of the medium, and at the same time, with the help of the pressure after the valve to regulate the opening of the opening and closing parts of the valve, so that the pressure after the valve to maintain a certain range of application.
b、Scope of application: overpressure of fire hydrant port; pressure reducing valve partition water supply more than 1.20MPa; tandem pressure reducing second stage, the valve before and after the pressure difference should be ≤ 0.40Mpa.
c、Supplementary note: Horizontal installation is desirable.

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